Making the Hard Decisions Even When You Don’t Like Your Options
If you recall, the outcome of the big chicken massacre was a traumatized rooster (Oden) and an unscathed hen (we named her Sally the Survivor). The end result of one hen and a feisty rooster is an oversexed hen. I needed to solve my immediate problem: finding more...
How to Navigate Those “Liberties” Into a Thriving Business
Many of you have asked who killed my chickens. If you haven’t been following my ongoing chicken mama saga, you can find my last article here. But, just to quickly summarize, something killed six of my eight chickens, leaving a traumatized...
Regaining my Chicken Mojo
I write this with a heavy heart. Late last week, we lost six of our eight chickens. Things were going so well. The chickens had picked up on the remodeling vibe and asked that we provide them with some additional outdoor living space. So, we expanded beyond their...
Right Seat, Wrong Chicken?
As my husband and I started talking about getting chickens, we created our vision: free range chickens that laid lots of eggs. As you know, the first round of chickens were free range but they stopped laying eggs in our coop. Our second round has...
Chicken Pranks
So, all is quiet in the chicken coop. Oden, the rooster, has assumed control of the chickens. The baby chicks are about 16 weeks old and gaining confidence (and hopefully will be laying eggs soon), and the other hens are laying eggs and running away from Oden. We seem...
Survival Tips from the Pandemic
A Business Owner’s Perspective Running a business in 2020 presented challenges that many business owners and executives had never experienced. The pandemic impacted different industries differently. Some, like outdoor recreation, had record years that may never be...