Don’t Rely on Super Heroes to Achieve Your Business Objectives
Addressing the Gaps in Your Systems Your plant has highly detailed procedures on how to do each job. The operators are trained not to deviate from the procedures. But, what happens when a conscientious operator notices as problem with a part. In order to properly...
And The Tie Goes To…
The Best Way to Improve Your Bottom Line I recently met with a managing partner of a professional services firm. His philosophy on how to approach his clients was simply stated, “when the ball falls on the line, the client gets the point.” He believes the customer...
Did You Learn Anything Valuable Today?
It is back to school time. I remember when I was younger, I was thinking about what to wear for the first day of school, making sure I had the perfect outfit for the school yearbook. But, as I got older, my focus turned to the subjects that I was going to be...
7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Employee Training
CAN ANYONE SAY CAFFEINE? Last week, I had the pleasure of being an instructor for the Investment Casting Institute’s Process Control Seminar. We had students from all over North America come together at Western Michigan University to learn how to apply process...
The Long Route to Get the Right Answer
A Long Term Strategy for Employee Motivation I remember one of my first supervisory training classes I attended as a young engineer fresh out of college. One of the questions from the instructor was what do you do when your team is performing at the level you desire?...
Is Your Style Changing with the Times?
ENHANCING YOUR TEAM'S EFFECTIVENESS Recently I was reading about the Miracle on Ice when the US Men’s Hockey Team beat the Russians in the 1980 Winter Olympics. What I learned about this team was that the coach, Herb Brooks had to change his entire coaching...