Tying it All Together

Tying it All Together

A business needs a product and sales. A thriving business needs a product, sales, leadership, and innovation. Here is how each of these contribute to the success of a business: The product is the cornerstone of the business. Sales provides cash flow to continue...

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PAID to Act: A Proven Process to Assessing Employees

PAID to Act: A Proven Process to Assessing Employees

There comes a time in nearly everyone's management career when he or she must decide whether to keep, redeploy or release an employee. A number of factors need to be considered when making this decision, and while the emotions should be removed, this decision also...

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Learning from Others

Learning from Others

The Underlying Cost of Not Being Bold Last week, I gave an example of a client who chose to be bold when addressing an employee-performance issue.  In that case, the results turned out to be positive for both the employee and the company.  Of course, it doesn’t always...

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Be Bold!

Be Bold!

As I was writing my last newsletter, on 10 Mind-Altering Tips to Maximize Your Impact in 2020, one tip I wanted to include was “Be Bold.”  Having a list that can go to 11 is good, but I didn’t want to overwhelm your altered mind.  So I stuck with 10. But I believe...

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10 Mind Altering Tips to Maximize Your Impact in 2020

10 Mind Altering Tips to Maximize Your Impact in 2020

We just started a new decade! The following list was created to get you started on achieving your 2020 vision. Be crystal clear on what you want to achieve. I was recently reading the book titled "Train Your Brain for Success." If you tell your brain where you want to...

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A Process for Setting Goals

A Process for Setting Goals

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” —Bill Copeland Over the past few months, I’ve been writing about tips that have helped me be present in the moment. This topic came out of the lesson I...

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