Did You Learn Anything Valuable Today?
Did You Learn Anything Valuable Today?

It is back to school time.  I remember when I was younger, I was thinking about what to wear for the first day of school, making sure I had the perfect outfit for the school yearbook.  But, as I got older, my focus turned to the subjects that I was going to be...

The Long Route to Get the Right Answer
The Long Route to Get the Right Answer

A Long Term Strategy for Employee Motivation I remember one of my first supervisory training classes I attended as a young engineer fresh out of college.  One of the questions from the instructor was what do you do when your team is performing at the level you desire?...


HOW NOT TO WORK AS A TEAM Regardless of which side of the political aisle you sit on, I think we can agree that our government is a classic example of how not to work together.  They engage in finger pointing, yelling, game playing and focus on the individual goals...

Is It Time for YOU to Re-Fuel?
Is It Time for YOU to Re-Fuel?

A SUCCESSFUL TEAM NEEDS AN ENERGIZED LEADER Over the past week, I’ve been watching the Olympic trials. This is Michael Phelp’s fifth Olympic games and he has really transformed himself, especially over the past four years.  After qualifying in the 100M Butterfly,...