Tips on How to Make the Most of this Situation
The past week was consumed with planning for either working remotely or adopting social distancing guidelines for businesses that remained open. But, this week has been a little different as the planning phase has been completed and now it is time to execute the plan....
What Now?
Let's Sharpen our Tools! This past week has changed all of our lives. I don’t think any of us could have predicted the canceling of sporting events, closing of schools or even suspending travel from Europe. We have been working non-stop, trying to reach our goals,...
Mapping It Out
I was never a big fan of process flow maps. It seemed like such a tedious activity, which in my opinion didn’t do much but capture an already obvious process. But that all changed a few years ago. I was working with some Six Sigma Black Belts to develop a hands-on...
Tying it All Together
A business needs a product and sales. A thriving business needs a product, sales, leadership, and innovation. Here is how each of these contribute to the success of a business: The product is the cornerstone of the business. Sales provides cash flow to continue...
20 ways to increase your sales in 2020
Nearly all of my clients want to grow their revenues. This may be due to stagnant sales with their current customer base, new product introductions, or a real or perceived downturn in their target industry. But let's be honest—can't we all benefit from additional...
Are you Playing the Right Role?
I met with a prospect this week and we were discussing her perception that she isn’t a good salesperson. I asked her what she thinks a salesperson’s role is, and she said, “To come into a meeting and tell people what they should buy.” Well, I had news for her: The...
A Bright Light in the Midst of Chaos
If you are paying attention to the news, you know there is a lot of economic uncertainty right now. Yes, our economy has been doing well over the past 3+ years, but several current factors may have an impact, including the upcoming election, Boeing’s 737 Max, the...
PAID to Act: A Proven Process to Assessing Employees
There comes a time in nearly everyone's management career when he or she must decide whether to keep, redeploy or release an employee. A number of factors need to be considered when making this decision, and while the emotions should be removed, this decision also...
Learning from Others
The Underlying Cost of Not Being Bold Last week, I gave an example of a client who chose to be bold when addressing an employee-performance issue. In that case, the results turned out to be positive for both the employee and the company. Of course, it doesn’t always...